

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Menzies Campbell Resigns

Twenty years ago today a hurricane hit England - the weather was much calmer yesterday, but political storms continue to unsettle Westminster. After a day of growing rumours around Westminster, it was announced that Liberal Democrat leader, Menzies Campbell, a former Olympic sprinter (1964) who held the British 100m record from 1967 to 1974, was resigning.

The gains in the opinion polls by the Tories have been at the expense of the Lib-Dems - both Labour and the Lib-Dems were concerned at this trend, and Menzies (pronounced 'Ming') - 66 years old, had to go.

So within days we have gone from election fever; to a horrendous week for Gordon Brown, to an even more dreadful day for Sir Menzies - when will the storms subside?