

Sunday 13 June 2010

Voter Registration

In recent posts I have discussed the accuracy of the electoral register - upon which elections and selection for jury service depend. Local Electoral Registration Officers have a duty under law to take such steps as are necessary to ensure that the register is complete as is possible.

The Electoral Commission have produced a spreadsheet showing how each authority has performed. Figures show how many households
  • were sent an annual canvass return
  • returned the form (which is a legal requirement) - in total numbers and percent

and how the form was returned

  • by post
  • after a personal canvasser had called round
  • by telephone
  • by internet
  • by text message

The efforts taken by the ERO is also indicated by the details of numbers of home confirmed by personal visit or other information to be vacant.

The number of persons prosecuted for not returning the annual canvass was 41 in Houslow; 20 in Scarborough; 6 in Aylesbury Vale and 6 in Woking. Otherwise there were no other prosecutions throughout the country.

One set of figures shows the number of suspicious returns. Birmingham appears to have identified the greatest number.

The spreadsheet is available here.