

Monday 1 July 2013

Washminster is back!

Finally, Washminster returns. My apologies for the delayed return. The demands on my time in June were greater than expected.

This month contains two important national days - those of France and the United States. Both celebrate a common theme - Liberty. Government's which lacked the consent of the people were ultimately removed. In both cases this involved the use of force. The Americans resisted the forces of the British Crown and eventually won the right to select their own government. In France the King resisted the will of the people - and was removed. Now both countries have systems which allow for the peaceful transfer of power. The people are regarded as sovereign.

In Britain, we have no national day - but instead enjoy the fruits of centuries of struggle for our rights. Parliament, not the Monarch is sovereign. (Recommended reading for any students of constitutional law is the book below -)

There is universal suffrage, and our liberties are now protected by the Human Rights Act 1998. Attempts by the authorities to search property or detain individuals without lawful cause were resisted by the Courts. Freedom of speech was upheld. But new challenges arise! In coming weeks this blog will consider the milestones in the histories of our shared Liberties - and the current challenges.

Welcome back!